Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day One

I have done what I didn't want to do at all - I have joined the gym. I'm pretty determined to be a size 6 by next Spring. Which is probably setting a very easy goal, considering I only have roughly 3 sizes to lose. And over 6 months to do it. But I suppose it's a healthy rate of weight loss. In any case, after having signed up yesterday, today was my first actual day of going. As someone who doesn't really work out in the 'gym' sense, I wasn't sure exactly how to go about dong this. Do I run first? I know I ought to stretch or something - What's the best way to do that? Aren't I supposed to work on different areas different days - Lower body one day, upper the next? What the heck am I doing?!

So here's what I did: Stationary bike for 25 minutes (roughly 2.5 miles I think), some sort of glider/eliptical thingy for 12 minutes (subsequent butt numbness was not pleasant) and then speed walking at an incline for ten minutes. I have done my lower body. Go me. Tomorrow might suck though, as I think I pushed it.

I probably ought to thank (possibly smack) J for getting me to go. He had the membership first, and stuck me down as someone who might possibly be interested. I was called, I came in completely ready to shoot down the offer, and wound up with a one year membership.

I'm such a sap.