Wednesday, December 1, 2010

One of these days...

I'll remember that this blog is here and requires updating. With more than poems, that is. Hell, I don't even know if this thing is ever read. Someone leave me a comment and let me know! 

Oh, how things have changed over the past year or so. J and I are no longer together, there was a rather messy relationship/breakup with a friend of mine, I just started a new job at a bank after having waited tables, left waiting tables for retail, left retail for a doctor's office, was laid off from said office, back to waiting tables, and now, finally, out of the restaurant business again.

I've been talked into writing a book, so I am now attempting to continue with the story I had posted on here ages ago. God help me.

That's about it in a nutshell... There's not a whole lot else going on. Well, there is, but not much worth telling. 

So, until next time...

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