Saturday, August 9, 2008

Aw. I never knew you cared...

I found out yesterday that my managers actually like me. Well, all except the one. Here's a little bit of back story: We had a manager, Ms. K, re-join the Olive Garden I currently work at (she retired and then came back). When she first started back, things were fine. She and I got along beautifully. Then, about three weeks ago, something changed. I don't know what, exactly, but something must have. I started losing shifts, and now, due to losing shifts, I'm down to four lunch shifts a week. If you've ever worked in a restaurant, you know that lunch is NOT the time to make any money. So, after a couple weeks of bad scheduling, I started job hunting and did not bother to keep it a secret. Apparently, one of the other managers, E, went to the GM (General Manager, for those of you not in the know) and said, "We need to get Meghan a better schedule because you do not want to lose her."

I feel so special :-) I didn't know I mattered that much.

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