Thursday, September 4, 2008

Choosing Your Vowel

It sounds odd, I know, but I read about it in another blog,

Choose your vowel: Bitter or Better?

This was my day: Squirt woke up around 8:45 this morning, which is perfectly fine. So we get up, I make her breakfast, and we're just relaxing and getting into the waking up bit.

I ask my grandmother if she'll take me to work. She says, "No. Find your own way." (Back story: Yesterday she and I had a bit of a fight. I caught an attitude with her, she resorted to name calling. I went to apologize, she walked away and slammed a door. I gave up.)

So I pull up the schedules of the FredBus and start looking through it to get to work. I dress and leave the house at 915 to walk to the stop at Taskforce Dr, except there's no sign. So I call the Fred headquarters, and the guy that answers tells me there is a stop there, and he'll let the driver know that someone will be waiting. Bus never comes. So I walk the rest of the way to the mall (note: my house to the mall via Taskforce Dr = roughly 1.5 miles). I call headquarters again, and am told that the stop is in front of the mall. So I wait. The bus comes, the bus drives right by.


Turns out, the stop is not in front of the mall, but off to the side in front of Guitar Center. So I wait another hour. And call work to tell them I'll be late.

I got to work 30 minutes late. On the plus side: I wasn't in trouble, since I called and explained the situation. And I think I walked at least 4,000 of the suggested 5,000 steps you're supposed to take everyday, going from my house, to Taskforce Dr, to mall, from bus stop in Central Park to work, then while at work, work to bus stop, then bus stop nearer my house (I'm figuring out how this whole public trans. thing works - I found a closer stop) to home. And that's not even counting the walking I did at home. What I wouldn't give for a pedometer...

Anyway, Bitter or Better. Granted, grandmother is a *****. She's Bitter, capital B. But, I got a lot of exercise (granted in 90 degree heat). And I'm learning the system.

I'm choosing Better.

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