Monday, September 1, 2008

Just blowing off some creative steam...

(Story time!)

I sat on the picnic blanket and watched as Joey bounded off towards the woods that surrounded our little clearing. I knew he had missed this place for the past hundred years or so. Heck, I missed this place, and I'm not even I a wood nymph.
I stood up and wandered over to the stream and tried to remember how Joey and I had met. It's not often a wood nymph and a water sprite come into contact. It's even less often that they don't immediately try to kill each other. Somehow he and I got past that, although, over a century later, damned if I can recall it.
The water swirled unnaturally, clear in some parts and diamond blue in others. I lowered my hand to let a finger trail just across the surface, relishing the familiar feel of home as the cool liquid caressed that small pad of skin. I could hear the water singing to me, just as I'm sure the trees were singing to Joey. A million whispering voices, singing to me of love and life, of births and deaths, of memories and hopes. I took off my shoes and stepped into the stream, walking to the middle until I found the deepest point. With the waters rushing around my shins and the chorus whispering to me, I called upon the memory of my powers until I felt myself drop beneath the surface.
The current carried me away, and I let it, reveling in the happiness of the moment. Reveling, that is, until an all-too familiar voice said my name.
"Carra." Funny how some people can make a word almost visibly drip disdain.
I sighed. I hadn't even been in the water twelve seconds before the king's favourite toadie found me.
"Hello, Piquine. Tell my uncle not to worry, I'll be out of his realm soon enough. I just needed to refresh myself."
"Right, Carra. Tell him yourself. You've been summoned. Actually, he's been summoning you for the past 75 years, but you've never bothered answering him."
"Does it matter that I've been on land for the past hundred or so?"
"No," Piquine says, giving me his best you're-wasting-my-time look.

Fabulous. I just love family reunions. Hopefully I'll live through it.

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